Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Ohio DL Schools

My daughter is now 4 months and while thinking about schooling eventually I started to think about online learning. One that I was really interested in was the Virtual Schoolhouse. They give options for students to graduate early and create specialized learning process for what each child needs. Online learning gives children a chance to learn at their own pace and thats something I love. If my child needs more time to learn her time tables I want to know that she can take her time to learn it.

An option that I found that I really wasn't interested in was the Virtual Community School of Ohio. To start the website wasn't 100% appealing. Yes, it gifted students with many options, but other than that the website didn't say anything about what else they have to offer. It was very plan and honestly kind of plain.

Assistive Technology for students with Deaf-Blindness

            There are many unique children in this word, some more unique than others. I have chosen to discuss children with the uniqueness of being blind and deaf. Yes, some would say it’s not called being unique as much is it is just called a disability, but I believe it just makes them different and unique. Blind- deafness is a title given to a person who cannot see or hear. It’s usually one or the other and it makes it easy for people who are blind to be able to learn by hearing, and people who are deaf usually learn my seeing. Being both makes learning is a bit hard.
            In school one way that teachers are able to communicate is through an object called a DBC. It is made up of a Braille Note mPower with a Perkins or QWERTY keyboard. The way this item works is that there is a Braille keypad, display, and a cellphone. The student is able to type using the Braille keypad, which is then displayed on the screen of the telephone for the teacher to see. The teacher is then able to respond on the cellphone, which is then translated in Braille back to screen for the student to read and respond. Yes, it takes more time then working with a student that doesn’t have a disability, but every child deserves to learn.
            There is also an ALD, which is an assistive learning device that schools are starting to adapt. At times children are able to receive this learning device and can start to hear a little bit more than usual. The problem that was found in this device was that the sound to the child could be limited by distance. If there is more than one student the teacher is bound to turn their back or walk away, and the student will start to not hear the teacher. Also a lot of background noises when the teacher isn’t close enough. So to solve this problem they started to place something like a PA system in the classroom while the teacher wears a microphone. This gives the teachers voice more volume and helps it to sit over everything.
            I believe that over time they will eventually find a way for children to feel vibrations as they do Braille. This would stop them from having to buy technology and possibly place something on the desk that causes vibration and a faster response. It would be interesting and very nice to see another way for these children to communicate one that is not slow and gives them a better education experience.


Sunday, September 14, 2014


For this picture I used Pic Monkey to change the way it looked. I was worried that it would be hard to use, but it was pretty simple and I didn't even need to have an account! It makes your pictures look really nice and like you barely edited them at all. I know that from now on for any picture I take I will be using Pic Monkey to make me pictures look perfect!

GoAnimate English Class

English Class by agomes3 on GoAnimate

For this blog I was required to use GoAnimate, which in all theory was very hard. I enjoyed learning how to operate the site, and hope to be able to use it again while I am teaching. It would be something fun to have my students do and a great project. In my video I just wanted to show how I want to be a fun and different teacher. No I won't have a beach set up, but I want to be very different. She was surprised that I had a an English class because typically english classrooms can be boring.

Monday, September 1, 2014

My Prezi

My Prezi is about my decisions in life. I find that life gives you many different directions, but you can only choose one. My path was split into 3 and I had to make a final decisions about what I would do with my life, so I chose to become a teacher. I want to teach English and History to 7th and 8th grade, maybe even eventually high school and college. My passions have always been British Literature and World History; mostly WWII. This powerpoint explains why teaching became my number one option and why I decided to not go with the other 2.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Three Great Teacher Blogs

Below are a few of my favorite Teacher blogs.

http://www.thenerdyteacher.com/ -This blog give advice to new/ veteran teachers as they encounter they first few days of the semester.

http://blog.teachingamericanhistory.org/ - Being that I am a History major this blog gives quick little facts about different historical events.

http://podcasthistoryofourworld.blogspot.com/ - This blog offers podcast of different events in our world. This is very interesting and very enjoyable.